Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stem Cells

For total transparency, I had better introduce myself right here and now, so you know where I'm coming from. I'm a New Image Wellness Consultant and I have had regular training last year all about Stem Cells. People from the Adult Stem Cell Foundation had come to inform us about the Stem Cell implantation processes available in a few places in the world and newsworthy items about Stem Cell use in the medical society world wide. I am pleased to be associated with both the Adult Stem Cell Foundation and New Image International for their innovative information and products.

Stem cells are the things that made us grow in the first instance in the womb. One single cell multiplied many times. That same cell was DNA enabled to become heart, lung, liver, hair, brain tissues - whatever was needed. And then the wonderment of the newborn baby!

After birth however, each stem cell type receives a different signal. Its job now is not to 'make new material' but to 'repair' cells.

Much has been in the news lately about stem cells and moreover, the furore over the possible use of embryonic cells (those before birth). Science is getting closer to being able to 'regress' adult stem cells (those in a pre-birth baby are 'embryonic' and AFTER birth are called 'adult stem cells' thereafter) so they can again have the possibility of becoming ANY particular cell.  Possibly, it will take another 5 years to determine if the process (which took place in Melbourne in 2009) causes problems using those cells! A lot of people could die before then eh?

Presently, all we can hope for is to transplant our own adult stem cells to help overcome diseases.  As we age, less and less stem cells are in our blood.  It appears that they stay within the bone and don't get to circulate very much.  The only other non-medical option is to encourage them back into the bloodstream.  Several products from New Image International (a NZ company) help specifically with maintaining your stem cells.  Their flagship product is called Alpha Lipid Lifeline (a powdered Colostrum product which is high in Proline-rich PolyPeptides) and is recommended by the Australian Adult Stem Cell Foundation as "having the science behind the product" and therefore being reliable - there's over 5000 studies on its use.  New Image's latest products Colostem and Cellworx are worthy of a mention here as well.
Colostem is a specific product that is used in conjunction with the Alpha Lipid Lifeline for those who have specific degenerative problems - it supports healthy adult stem cell release, it has uniquely processed cellular regenerating ingredients and contains only natural ingredients to assist a healthy and active stem cell population.

Cellworx is a product that is used just before going to bed. It is sprayed under the tongue and held there for as long as possible (usually 2 minutes) so that transfer of nutrients can be obtained straight into the blood. This products helps IMMENSELY with HIV/AIDS related auto-immune diseases.  People on a trial at Nairobi University were able to regain normal auto-immune levels again!! All these people had AIDS with levels less than 250 CD4 'marker substance', however after the 6 week trial they returned to more than 400 CD4 which clinically means they were not now AIDS sufferers! It was the PROLINE RICH POLYPEPTIDES that did it!  It promotes cellular connectivity, modulates immune responses (re-teaches the system to look out for the baddies again and stop attacking the goodies) and contains unique info-peptides.

A synergistic effect is obtained when fighting degenerative diseases by taking all three products together.  Some good results have occurred with MS patients.

For you who may be wondering how they can get their hands on some of these products please email me on and I will get back to you. 

I am hoping this information has been helpful for you. 

1 comment:

Stem Cell Research News From Medical News Today